Alisha Eslinger

Meet Alisha

NMLS 1683313 DRE 02030866

Welcome! I'm Alisha, a dedicated home loan officer, mother to five wonderful children, and proud spouse to an ER trauma nurse (a real-life superhero, if you ask me). But beyond the home loans and family life, I'm filled with passions and quirks that make me who I am. Shall we explore?

Family Aficionado: Family is my cornerstone. With five children and a devoted husband, our household often resembles the Brady Bunch – with a delightful dash of chaos, of course!

Faithful Believer: My love for God anchors me and influences every aspect of my life. It's the compass that directs my journey.

Champion of Integrity: To me, integrity is not just a word; it's a way of life. I put my clients' needs first, delivering well-researched information with care and diligence.

Detective at Heart: A huge fan of all things true crime, I have a knack for solving mysteries. If I weren't guiding people through the maze of home loans, I might have been a forensic scientist.

Golden Girls Lifestyle Enthusiast: Ever dream of living with your best friends, Golden Girls style? Me too! Who says retirement can't include cheesecake and laughter?

Alisha Eslinger standing in front of her office door.

Music Maven: From hard rock to yacht rock, country to pop – if there's a concert, I'm probably there. Need help naming that '70s, '80s, or '90s tune? I'm your go-to person!

Lifelong Learner: Whether it's through books or podcasts, I constantly seek to better myself. Learning and growing is a daily adventure.

So, now you have a glimpse into the person behind the professional title. If you're in search of someone who not only understands the ins and outs of home loans but also values family, laughter, and integrity – and can even beat Shazam on a good day – you've found the right person. Let's connect and see how I can assist you!

Meet Rya

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